No One Can Take Away My Spirit.

13 Nov

No One Can Take Away My Spirit.

Don’t you just love the passive aggressive ones? I know I do. Ha. Ha. Ha. The easy part, yes there’s an easy part, is recognizing who they are for what they are. Knowing enough to realize they will never change unless they have a huge life-changing event. Otherwise, expect them to stay exactly as they are. Believe it or not, they like the way they are. Don’t try to change them. It’s a complete waste of your time and energy. See who they are for who they are. It’s that simple. Figure out for yourself what nonsense you’ll take from them and what you won’t. And, let that be that.

You can’t avoid all the idiots of the world unless you plan on never leaving the house. Just do the best you can. That’s all you can ever do. And know that with each experience there is an opportunity to grow.

This is from my upcoming book, My Life In Secret.
It is available on
Excerpt is from my book, My Life In Secret.
Check my website for further updates:

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