Archive | July, 2013


29 Jul


What should you do when you get bullied? Most of the time, I think bullying is nothing more than a power struggle between the haves and the have nots. People are intimidated by strong people even if that person isn’t really strong. There just has to be a perception of strength. Jealousy also plays a part.

They want what you have, and they know they’ll never have “it.” SO the way they handle the situation, is by bullying; taking control of another person by belittling that person into submission. And, when that person doesn’t immediately crumble under the pressure, the bully becomes more and more filled with explosive hatred.

What’s a person to do? Simply, remove yourself from the epic situation as sweetly and as quietly as possible. There are silver linings in all clouds. Idiots are everywhere. Get used to it. Iyanla Vanzant says, “When you see crazy walking down the street, cross the street!”  At times you can cross that street, and sometimes you cannot. Do your best.

You can’t control anyone but yourself. Try to stay out of all the chaos. You are tuned in more clearly than you think you are. Do what feels right to you; stay connected to peace. These so-called idiots of the world will eventually get what’s coming to them.

Hey, you never know. You might even be around to see it. Which is glorious to experience, I can attest to it. I’m not exactly saying to rejoice in others’ misery. But . . . it is delightful to see the powerful fall of their own demise.

You know who you are. I’m not going to join others in beating myself up.

You are not going to put me in the hot seat because I’m not going to sit there!

Stay focused and don’t let others tell you who you are.

Take what you can from each experience and grow.

Bullies will always be bullies. Then tend to surround themselves with like-minded individuals. Always, expect the same from these people. Then, you’ll be prepared for the attack if it comes, and if the attack never comes, all the better. You know who you are. Don’t let toxic people get under your skin. Otherwise, that toxicity will stay and grow within you. You know better.

Simply, be the mirror that reflects all that hatred back to the bully. Don’t take on other people’s problems. You have enough of your own.

Always remember, you are a being of light. Don’t let the darkness creep in. Look around, and see where you are. You are worthy of more, much more. Know it. Say it. Mean it.

Each day is a new day, a new beginning. It may bring good; may bring not so good. That’s life.

The good and the bad go together hand in hand. No one can continue to bother me unless I allow it. Don’t take all the ugliness with you. Leave it where you found it with that beautiful person, who attempted to give it to you in the first place. That’s where it belongs. Don’t try to make sense of what happened.

Don’t waste your energy where it is not needed. What happened . . .  happened. Let it go. Stay focused on where you’re going; knowing that challenges will come up, and you will live through them.

This is from my upcoming book, My Life In Secret.
It will be published in September, and will be available on
Check my website for further updates:

Let Your Diva Out

23 Jul

Let your Diva out!

Sometimes, dreams are meant to bring feelings to the waking hours. Psychic abilities communicate through the imagination, and dreams are part of that imagination.

Love being able to manifest spirit through affirmations.

This is from my upcoming book, My Life In Secret.

It will be published in September, and will be available on

Check my website for further updates:

Angels are everywhere. Believe.

20 Jul

Recognize destructive patterns when they seep into your life.

Ego, you become what you believe, and everything you give attention to grows bigger and bigger.

Stop it immediately! Looking through a fractured mirror makes it virtually impossible to see.

Angels are always with you. ALWAYS.

This is an excerpt from my upcoming book, My Life In Secret.

It will be published in September, and will be available on

Check my website for further updates:

You only live once. Make it count!!

20 Jul

You can dedicate time to Spirit and meditating. There are some things you have to do by yourself.

We are all Spirits on a journey. Meditation, simply, is going beyond the brain. It is quieting the mind. Everyone has a personal guidance system, intuition. Use it daily. It will never lead you down the wrong path. Focus on taking baby steps. Baby steps into the life you want. The life you deserve. Once the ball starts rolling, the Universe will push you along. Even when you cannot see your own greatness, hold a vision of what you want. Thus, making an energy shift in thinking.

You can aspire to greatness!! It is all up to you to make the choices in your life. Be who you want to be.


This is an excerpt from my upcoming book, My Life In Secret.

It will be published in September, and will be available on

Check my website for further updates:

To Whom It May Concern:

20 Jul

To Whom It May Concern:

It’s not easy being me. My heart has been broken. I’m living in Hell. No one loves me. No one cares. I fear. I fear. I fear. What’s with all the stares?

To Whom It May Concern:
Having no friends is no easy matter.  For the sake of my well-being please, please, please, be kind.  Yes, I’m going to try.  It seems I’ve been frozen in time.  I get queasy wishing it were all so easy. 

To Whom It May Concern:
My Soul has scars.  People are cruel.  I don’t know what to do.  I’m all alone; often put in a corner for all to see.  I cry and cry and cry and cry even though I don’t know why. If God is real, why can’t I heal?


This is from my upcoming book, My Life In Secret.

It will be published in September, and will be available on

Check my website for further updates: