You only live once. Make it count!!

20 Jul

You can dedicate time to Spirit and meditating. There are some things you have to do by yourself.

We are all Spirits on a journey. Meditation, simply, is going beyond the brain. It is quieting the mind. Everyone has a personal guidance system, intuition. Use it daily. It will never lead you down the wrong path. Focus on taking baby steps. Baby steps into the life you want. The life you deserve. Once the ball starts rolling, the Universe will push you along. Even when you cannot see your own greatness, hold a vision of what you want. Thus, making an energy shift in thinking.

You can aspire to greatness!! It is all up to you to make the choices in your life. Be who you want to be.


This is an excerpt from my upcoming book, My Life In Secret.

It will be published in September, and will be available on

Check my website for further updates:

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